Sunday, July 4, 2010

Well-deserved Holiday

After 4 and half years since the last holiday in Phuket, Daddy and Mommy finally set off to Krabi in Thailand on 30 Jun 2010 for a 3 days 2 nights holiday.

Day 1

Our Tiger Airways flight took off from the Budget Terminal in Changi at 1350 hrs.

Onboard the plane, we bought their 5th wedding anniversary gift - a pair of Polo Rauph watch for S$89.00. Unfortunately, Daddy finds the white strap too probably he'll not be wearing it as frequently as mommy.

The flight took about 1 hr and 30 mins. When we arrived in Krabi, we were the first to alight from the plane and no one else was following close behind. When we came to the customs, the custom officer looked at them and asked "only 2?". They thought we were the only 2 people on the flight TR2182 from Singapore. Ha ha!

After collecting the checked-in luggage, we were picked up by a travel agent by the name of "Khun Tiger". In the van, he began to give suggestions on what we could do in Krabi.

We learnt that Krabi has an average population of 300,000 people. And like Phuket, it is mainly a tourist location but most people would know about Phuket instead of Krabi.

We arrived at our hotel (Phra Nang Inn) about 40 mins upon arrival at the Krabi International Airport.

At the hotel's front desk, we ewre once again faced with the same problem we had in Phuket 4 years ago. We found ourselves talking to a female receptionist whose English language is worst than Deborah. According to Daddy, this is not an uncommon problem as long as you are in Thailand.

We were given room no. 2360 at the Spa Wing. The interesting thing when we stepped in was to find the bathtub in the room itself and not in the bathroom.

At first, we did not quite like the room, cos Mommy had the impression that we would get the newly renovated room in the beach front wing. But after some self-orientation, we got used to the room's layout, and decided to stick to this room.
Day 2
Having had the experience of snorkelling in Coral Island when we were in Phuket in 2006, Daddy decided that we should try the Elephant ride cum hot spring.

As fas as Daddy is concerned, we did not make the wrong choice of tour this time. Well, for Mommy, she can only agree to some extent. That's because the Elephant ride was too much to take.

After our devotions, we had a quick breakfast at the hotel's cafe which was facing the sea before we headed for the Elephant ride. The elephant walked thru the trails and it was a really frightening experience, especially when the elephant takes on wet and sloppy trails. Our hearts almost came out of our mouths! The elephant we were always seemed hungry. It would stopped every few steps to stop to chew on bamboo. We were very concerned as the bamboo shoot was almost going to land on our heads each time the big creature would snap the shoots with its trunk. Mid way through the ride, it started raining. In the rain, before we returned to the shed, the local rider brought out some bracelets made of elephant teeth. He was earning some extra bucks from this unauthorised sale.

After wards, the local agent brought us to a temple. A Singapore malay couple were in the same day tour as us. When we arrived at the Buddhist temple, we declined to visit the site but offered to wait in the van so the couple could do their visitation. Thankfully, they already visited the site the day earlier. So we wasted no time and moved on to our next destination.
We were brought to a natural hot spring. It was really comfortable until a group of senior citizens from Singapore came along. They didn't come prepared like us (who were in our swimming gear), so most of them could only soak their legs up to knee length. However, one uncle couldn't resist the tempation. He took off his T-shirt and pants and soak himself only with his underwear on. It was really amusing!
Our next and final destination for the day was the Emerald Pool. Due to the natural minerals, the pool was emerald colour and hence the name. The water is cold, unlike the hot spring. We didnt enjoy it as much as the hot spring, because it was like a swimming pools except that it was in a natural habitat, not a man-made pool with tiles flooring. The floor and edges of the Emerald Pool are filled with fungal like stuff which is slippery and hairy. It was a challenge to get in and out of the pool as it does not have any ladders or steps.
We returned to the hotel and had our dinner along Ao Nang Street, a Thai resturant just few steps away from our inn, for another round of authentic Thai food and not-to-be-missed Tom Yam Koong.
We shopped along Ao Nang street and found that there were more interesting things to buy than the City Centre. However, our night ended with a heavy downpour.
Day 3

We couldn't wait to get home to see our two precious darlings. But before that, it was more shopping along Ao Nang street. It was a good and relaxing stroll as it was a low season, so the streets was not crowded.

Looking back, it is a good break from home, although our feelings were mixed because we left Deborah and David at home. Well, we made it up by buying them a number of gifts. It was all worthwhile seeing them opening up the gifts.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Deborah's latest H & W

Deborah will be 3 years old in 2 months time. At present, she weighs 17 kg and is exactly 1 metre tall. We took these measurements at the paed's clinic today.

According to the measuring tape, 1 metre tall is for children aged 4 years old. It should not surprise us that she is going to be a really tall and beautiful girl. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

David crossing a milestone

At 14 months, David has started to walk. This is definitely one of the first proudest moments for any parents. And it is surely one of our proudest moments too.

David is quite a confident boy. Perhaps this is a "boy" thing -- He seems to take challenges at his stride and is quite brave.

The past two weeks has been interesting, as our family enjoy every moment of watching David learn to walk. From just a few steps across the sofas, to half the living area... and now, he is able to walk from the living room into the master bedroom.

It is simply amazing to see a child start walking by himself. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he or she is the first child in the family. The feeling of watching any child take the step of independence is indeed fulfilling. All the hardships, fatigue of parenting vanishes when you cheer them on to come towards you step by step with their hands stretched out to find the balance.

It is also a great relieve for the caregivers when the child starts walking. The little one is now too busy going to every corner of the house to explore every thing he finds interesting, hence the adults will not have to carry him as often as before.

For now, we are anticipating what is going to happen in the coming months. All of us will be carefully watching David wherever he goes because the next milestone is 'climbing'. We, the adults will have lots of catching up to do.

Monday, June 21, 2010

One month celebration of Sophie Tan

19 Jun 2010 - our family attended a dinner invitation to Sophie Tan's one month celebration at Roland Restuarant in Marine Parade. Sophie is mommy's (maternal) 3rd uncle's first grand child.

We had the pleasure of sharing the table with mommy's auntie's two nephews. They were in their early adulthood. One of them, Jamie shared that he is 23 years old and a Christian but not attending Church at the moment. He saw our family and shared that he could feel that we are a very blessed family. He also expressed his wish to have a family like ours -- with a daughter first.

Daddy encouraged Jamie to honor God and to return to his Church.

It's our prayers for Jamie that he will return to his Church to worship and serve God as his life's priority.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A father's day lunch

Our family celebrated Fathers' day early this year. We enjoyed a lunch buffet at Mandarin Orchard Singapore on 17 Jun 2010.

The food was average. We were told it was an international buffet, but we thought the varieties were rather limited.

We chose this venue cos it was a 1-for-1 promotion for DBS card members. When we called for the bill, the waitress dropped a bomb on us to say that kids between 2 to 4 years old was chargeable and the restaurant introduced the toddlers' cost 2 months ago. They were going to charge $17++ for Deborah, who ate only 2 pcs of biscuits, less than 2 slices of duck meat, half bowl of cream of chicken and a scoop of chocoloate ice-cream which was left unfinished. We were definitely not prepared to pay the cost. In the end, the restuarant manager waived the cost when we insisted that the person I spoke to from the Reservations dept was aware of my kids' age when I made the reservation and yet she did not make known the cost to me earlier.

Before we left, the table next to us received the same surprise. And they had 3 toddlers with them. I wondered whether they paid the cost.

Anyway, I'm glad we left the restuarant happy. Thank God for the restuarant manager.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The first week of a SAHM

Mommy was looking forward to the day when she could be a SAHM. It finally came on 22 April 2010. But no one would have expected how the first 5 days as a SAHM turned out for her.

Deborah developed rashes on Wed, 21 April 2010. It's the same kind of rashes mommy used to have when she was younger, which makes us suspect it could be hereditary. It was really agonising for Deborah to be scratching all over her body, and even more agonising for daddy and mommy to watch her itch. We dare say that there's one thing all parents hate to see --- i.e. to see our children suffer or fall ill, because it just makes us feel so helpless. There is nothing we could do to lessen their pain or discomfort, except to apply cream and feed them with loathesome medication (sometimes having to force it down their mouths), just hoping and praying that they will get well soon. It's like waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel. You won't know how heart-wrenching it is unless you've been a parent yourself.

The rashes subsided by Saturday. However, Deborah developed fever by the afternoon. The highest temperature recorded was 39.8 degrees C. The fever did not subside until Monday. In fact, on Sunday, the rashes came back in full force all over her body and she was itching again. All of us who saw it felt so painful in our hearts to see her suffering. She also started to refuse food and milk complaining of pain in the mouth.

On Sunday evening, we decided to bring her to the doctor. It gets really difficult to have your children fall ill on weekends, cos you can hardly find a paediatrician open on sundays. I found a directory with 24 hours GP clinics and hand picked one in Tampines St 21. The doctor at the clinic was an old man. Unfortunately, he didn't really showed any sincere concern over Deborah's condition other than telling us to give her a bath. We were upset and decided to pay just for the consultation charges and sought help at another clinic. Unfortunately, the 2nd clinic had a long queue, and Deborah was running a temperature of 39 degrees C. We were told that there were 7 patients before us but waited and realised there were more than 7. By the time , it was 8.30pm and mommy had to be home to feed David. So we left in anger because the nurse gave us the wrong information and made us waited for the last 30 minutes in vain.

Against all odds, we decided to resort to giving Deborah a bath to bring down her temperature coupled with a stronger medication. Much to our surprise, her fever subsided within hours. The next morning, we went back to our usual paediatrician. By then, Deborah rashes has also subsided, except for the sore throat.

Mommy hardly slept over the weekend. It was not the way we had expected to be.

Nonetheless, the important thing is that Deborah and David are both well. Praise the Lord.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Zacchaeus song

Since Mommy read the Bible story of Zacchaeus to Deborah this week, she is now learning to sing this sunday school song:

"Now Zacchaeus was a wee little man

And a wee little man was he

He climbed up to the sycamore tree

for the Lord He wanted to see

And when the Savior passed that way

He looked up to the tree,

and He said,"Zacchaeus, you come down,

For I'm coming to your house today

For I'm coming to your house today."

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seeing God

Exodus 24:8-11 --- "Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, "This is the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words." Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel went up and saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire, clear as the sky itself. But God did not raise his hand against these leaders of the Israelites; they saw God, and they ate and drank. "

The passage above tells us that 74 people saw God with their eyes all at the same time. God did not raise His hands against them.

According to scriptures, wretched beings like us will die when we see God. (Judges 13:22).

God showed His mercy, thru the "blood of the covenant" Moses had sprinkled on them symbolizing cleansing.

Today, thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, His blood has paid it all. We can have access to God too through Jesus Christ who shed all His blood for our salvation and royalty.

The other important criteria to fulfill before we can get to see God is to live a holy and blameless life --- "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord." (Hebrews 12:14)

"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us,
Selah" (Psalm 67:1)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Looking Back into the Past Year

Today is David's first birthday. Exactly one year ago at this time (10.10a.m.), mommy was on the way to the gynaecologist. Having saw red the night before, mommy called the gynae just before bedtime and was told to go the the clinic the next morning for a check. Mommy had a hunch that this is it because she could no longer continue to have David in the womb. It was getting too exhuasting and little David needed to come out ASAP.

The gynae gave mommy a choice whether to admit to the hospital immediately or go home for a rest and be admitted in the evening. Dad & Mom chose the 2nd option. We went home but it was too much to expect so we couldn't get into much sleep. Mommy had a nice warm bath, then kissed Deb goodbye (who would not be sleeping with mom for the first time in her life). By 7pm, we arrived at the hospital. Every moment still plays vividly in mom's mind till now.
The dilation was slow. Dad & Mom were singing praises to God while waiting for the moment. Mom was smiling and everything was still quite in control until past 9pm when the gynae came and broke the water bag with a long thin stick. The contractions became more intense but still tolerable. Mom had resolved to give birth to David naturally without any epidural, unlike the first experience. When the cervix dilated to 8cm, the contractions was at its peak... by then it was too late for any form of painkiller and there was no turning back. It was a great relieved when Mommy gave the final 3 pushes and David was out at 10.55pm. That split second relief was indescribable!

David came out looking dark and skinny and crying away, weighing 3.0kg and 48 cm in length. Unlike Deborah who was fair, chubby and quiet. Deborah was 3.4kg and 50 cm in length.

David at birth (13 April 2009) Deborah at birth (18 Aug 2007)

It's amazing to see how a helpless little baby can grow to become a toddler bursting with unceasing energy in a matter of 12 months. Researchers say that the growth rate of a baby is at its maximum in the first 6 months of the baby's life. We cannot but agree more with it.

Though David is our 2nd child, and you may think it is nothing new to see him do the same things his sister did... yet it still makes us chuckle, laugh and feel proud to see David's achievements - from sitting to crawling, and now learning to stand, squat and cruise. Every new thing he learns and every obstacle he overcomes are proud moments for the adults at home.

It has been a wonderful year. A friend of ours likes to say - Parenting brings the highest sense of fulfilment compared to all other vocations because you get to see your achievements everyday. How true.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Deborah, the Little Adult

Lately, Deborah has caught on the way the adults at home are communicating with each other using "okay" and "aw" (which means 'okay'). It's really amusing to notice how she imitates even the slightest thing we say. Here's what happened this morning...

As with all weekday mornings, mommy would tell little Deborah before leaving the house for the office, "Bye, Mommy's going to work". For the first time today, Deborah did not behave the usual way where she would be guarding at the door or insist that she followed mommy downstairs. Today, she just responded as-a-matter-of-factly with an "okay". Perhaps it was because she was busy getting into the bathroom to accompany her younger brother who was having a bath when mommy was leaving. But at that moment, mommy felt strange to receive such a response. It seemed as if she no longer has separation anxiety. Her response was with some confidence that she knew mommy would be back home in the late afternoon. It was like a response of a 8 year old girl (Deborah's not even 3).

Sometimes, when Deborah was given an instruction, she would be able to recognise that it was a command and she will respond with "aw" immediately. We get amused because we wonder whether she really understood the command. And as it turned out, she did what she was told. Aha!

It's really amazing to discover how much these little ones actually understand. Deborah may not know everything we adults do, but she is surely getting the hang of things.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Power of Cousins

It is a weekly affair that Deborah & David's cousins will come over to our place every Friday. Except during the exams period, they will play and catch their serial dramas together.

Over the years and months, it is really interesting to see how they have grown so close to one another. The loving affections they expressed towards one another are not reserved. We believe such scenes are quite hard to find in many other families nowsadays.

One of the questions I like to ask new parents is whether their children have any young cousins. I like to encourage them to try and find opportunities for their children to mingle with pre-primary children or cousins. You really should not underestimate the positive influence and benefits that is involved.

For us, we are really blessed to have Gabrielle. As a result of her frequent visitations, Deborah picked up her speech relatively early compared to many first borns. Although they are about 5 years apart in age, both of them are able to click together beautifully. Deborah looked up to her as a role model. In fact, when Deborah was 6-8 months old, she will watch her older cousin run, jump and talk and observe her every move. Deborah will try to do the same and that's how she learned how to talk, jump, skip and do many actions -- just by watching Gabrielle. Yes, kids are simply great imitators.
Last December when Deborah fell really ill and was on medication, the only person who was able to coax her to take medicine from a spoon was Gabrielle.
Whenever Deborah wakes up from her nap feeling grouchy, her face lights up at once upon seeing her cousin in our house.

Deborah especially looks forward to outings where her cousin will also be there. Gabrielle is just like her best friend.

That's just how powerful cousins are!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mothers-in-law: Friend or foe? You decide.

One night, John popped a question to me, "what if mom move in to live with us?"

Like any usual daughter-in-law, I had my fair share of fears and concerns when my mom-in-law moved in to live with us almost four years ago. Since then, we have not looked back.

Here are some things to give thanks to God for my mom-in-law:

"Without my mom-in-law,...

... I wouldn't have been able to cope with my work, household, and family all at one go. maids wouldn't be so hardworking and constantly on their toes about things in the house. house front would not be filled with so many pots of beautiful flowers and plants, which makes me feel good coming home every time.
...we wouldn't have such nice home-cooked food from time to time.
...I will have one less comrade when there's a battle of the sexes at home."

Mothers-in-law: Friend or foe? I believe we have a choice. We can decide how we want things to turn out to be. When the choice we make honors God, God will honor us. Of course, it also take two hands to clap.


Don't misuse the rod

There's always a lot of debate among parents whether the cane should be used on children.

As the proverb goes "Spare the rod, spoil the child".

In our family, we advocate the use of cane to discipline the children. We believe that since the Bible puts it plainly in Proverbs 13:24, "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him", there is a place for the use of cane to discipline and correct a child.

Once at the paediatric centre while waiting for Deborah's turn to see the doctor, I saw a little boy, around the age of 1, slapped another child who was playing with a toy. The boy wanted to have the toy the child was playing with, so he went forward and slapped the child. The next moment, the boy's mother came from behind him, saw what had taken place, slapped the boy on his cheek and pulled him away. Before I could answer myself, I knew the answer at that moment, where the boy learned how to slap another person on the cheek -- from his own mother, apparently.

Children are great imitators. Our children follow everything we do. Deborah follows every word we say, and I do mean, even every careless word we speak. Even before the incident at the paediatric centre, I have make it one of my parenting values that I will never slap my children on the cheek as a form of discipline. You never know who they will slap on the cheeks when they are outside or at school. Don't even show them that this is an acceptable way of discipline.

On the other hand, the cane is different. Well, one might argue that the use of cane will give the child the idea that they can use any object to beat someone else. I do not intend to dwell on this contraversial issue, but what I have done is to prevent my children from playing with the rod or treating it as a toy. I will place the cane at a place where only the adults can reach. By so doing, it reinforce to the children that the cane is for discipline only, i.e. when they do something wrong, they know the cane will be used.

Yet many parents, including my own mother, fall victim to using the cane as a tool to lash out on their frustrations and anger. I remember when I was in primary school, my mom would use the cane on me when her patience ran out because I could not understand and solve the maths question or when I just simply couldn't memorise the idioms word for word.

A rule of thumb in disciplining children --- if we ever feel a sense of regret after using the cane on them, we have misused the rod.

The object of using the cane is to discipline and correct our children, to make them better people.

One key fruit of the Spirit that all parents must have is, the fruit of "self-control", not love. Some parents misused the rod and these children grow up into adults swearing that they will never use the cane on their own children, which is a great disfavour to the next generation.

The conclusion of the matter is clear: Spare the rod, spoil the child.. but don't misuse the rod!

A match made in heaven

Our family attended a wedding dinner last evening and it was wonderful to be able to witness the union of 2 wonderful & God-loving young adults begin the next chapter of their lives.

We find it especially heart-warming because they not only love each other dearly, they are a godly, young couple, committed to God's purposes.

Best wishes to you, Cousin Jocelyn & Brian Tan as you begin this new journey.

Our prayers for you is you will build a Godly family, and bring praise to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Is Deborah really over-sized?

When friends see Deborah for the first time, they respond almost quite similarly - "she's tall!" "She's very big for her age"... ... It's becoming quite a norm for us to hear such comments from relatives and friends about Deborah.
When we brought Deborah to visit prospective kindergartens, the other children of the same age or older than Deborah were all shorter and smaller in size. Some of the teachers were also surprised when they knew how old Deborah actually was as compared to her size.
Currently, the clothes I buy for Deborah are usually for ages 4 to 5, although it is still 5 months before she turns 3. But they fit her well. Okay, I must admit...I have that same "kia-su" mentality of most parents and like what daddy also say -- better to buy bigger sizes since they outgrow their clothes very fast.
Well, I remember receiving the same comments about my height during my growing up years. Relatives and friends would say that I was very tall. For some time during my teens, I hated myself for being taller than my friends. Now? Yes, I am tall. I have grown to accept the fact. But I also think I am just averagely tall... not super tall.
It may seem a long way before Deborah becomes a teenager. But the time will come when she will be very concerned about her looks and her body, like every girl. My prayers for her is that she will learn to take these comments in stride and know that at the end of the day, she is God's masterpiece. And God definitely didn't make a mistake.
We live in an inperfect world, subject to the inperfections of this system. Our bodies, including everything in this world that we can see, are temporal. What is surely more important is who we are inside.
I hope she will know that no matter how she looks, she will always be beautiful in God's eyes and in our eyes.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14)


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mommy's breastfeeding journey

On 13 April 2010, we will celebrate David's 1st birthday. For mommy, it is a year's achievement of total breastfeeding David, even though she returned to work when David was 3 months old.

It has been a wonderful journey for mommy and David. The exclusivity given to David and moments of cuddling together are one of the most beautiful maternal moments words can hardly describe. Of course, all these came with its fair share of sacrifices, agony and tiredness, especially the first 6-8 weeks. Up till now, mommy still wakes up in the night to nurse him, sometimes as much as 3 times in one night.

In retrospect, Mommy can never forget how she broke down in tears in front of Daddy by the 6th week of nursing David. By then, she was totally worn out and tired to the core. Lack, lack, lack of sleep! Mommy never slept for more than 1 hour in one go because David needed to be nursed every 2 hours. It was agonising!

However, things started to get better when David's body clock finally tuned correctly to day and night and he was about 8 weeks old. By then, he could sleep for 3-5 hours in the early evening and things started to get better.

As we cross the 12 months of breastfeeding David, Mommy's wondering how to wean him off. There's a lot of stories about how the child will cling on to Mommy's chest indicating he would like to be nursed, and it is agonising not to offer it to him. Just thinking about it makes my heart cringe. Bottomline is, every mom and child will have to go through this stage, isn't it?

Yes, and it will come to pass, hopefully quickly.

Songs Deborah can sing

1. I lift my voice (she calls this song "Singing ha")

I lift my voice in song unto Thy name
I lift my hands, You're every day the same
Come fill me now, Lord Jesus let it be
Let now our lips, speak new found praise to Thee
Singing hallelujah, hallelujah
Praise and worship to Thy name
Singing hallelujah, hallelujah
Praise and worship to Thy name

2. Here I am to worship.

"Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me."

3. Come on and celebrate - she mimics the way Teacher Florence claps and sway her body.

4. Step my step (O God, You are my God)

She hears this song every night before she sleeps ever since she was 3 months old. She remembers the lyrics by heart!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Family Lunch @ "With A Pinch of Salt" (14 Mar 2010)

Our family headed to this restaurant called "With A Pinch Of Salt" for lunch last Sun. It is located along Tanjong Katong Road - the exact location where "Miss Clarity Cafe" previously was.

Daddy had his fave "Old Macdonald's farm", now renamed as "Old Uncle Mac..." which still comprise of pork chop, steak, chicken chop, sunny-side-up, potato wedges. Mommy had a special ox tail stew with linguine, which taste perfect. Ox tail stew, we're told, is good for our spine. We ordered a dozen of baked escargots for appetizers which turned out cold, which was a disappointment! What was worst, daddy and mommy ended up with upset tummies when we went home.

Finally a SAHM (Stay-At-Home-Mom)

After contemplating for 2 and half years, mommy finally tendered her resignation. Come 24 April 2010, mommy will be a SAHM officially.

It has not been an easy decision to make because it means zero income and other implications which includes mommy's physical and emotional health. (Don't mistaken, she's not about to make the situation seem that bad.) In fact, she can't wait to be out of the workplace, especially with the changes that has taken place. Mommy already has in mind plenty of things to do with the kids and daddy - ranging from overseas holidays to bringing D&D to the playground.

We are looking forward to having more enriching times together as a family. Wish us well.

Start of Tans Family Diary

Introducing The Tansters:

Head of the House - John Tan

Mistress of the House - Doreen Tan

1st Offspring - Deborah Tan

2nd Offspring - David Tan