Monday, April 12, 2010

Deborah, the Little Adult

Lately, Deborah has caught on the way the adults at home are communicating with each other using "okay" and "aw" (which means 'okay'). It's really amusing to notice how she imitates even the slightest thing we say. Here's what happened this morning...

As with all weekday mornings, mommy would tell little Deborah before leaving the house for the office, "Bye, Mommy's going to work". For the first time today, Deborah did not behave the usual way where she would be guarding at the door or insist that she followed mommy downstairs. Today, she just responded as-a-matter-of-factly with an "okay". Perhaps it was because she was busy getting into the bathroom to accompany her younger brother who was having a bath when mommy was leaving. But at that moment, mommy felt strange to receive such a response. It seemed as if she no longer has separation anxiety. Her response was with some confidence that she knew mommy would be back home in the late afternoon. It was like a response of a 8 year old girl (Deborah's not even 3).

Sometimes, when Deborah was given an instruction, she would be able to recognise that it was a command and she will respond with "aw" immediately. We get amused because we wonder whether she really understood the command. And as it turned out, she did what she was told. Aha!

It's really amazing to discover how much these little ones actually understand. Deborah may not know everything we adults do, but she is surely getting the hang of things.

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