Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Looking Back into the Past Year

Today is David's first birthday. Exactly one year ago at this time (10.10a.m.), mommy was on the way to the gynaecologist. Having saw red the night before, mommy called the gynae just before bedtime and was told to go the the clinic the next morning for a check. Mommy had a hunch that this is it because she could no longer continue to have David in the womb. It was getting too exhuasting and little David needed to come out ASAP.

The gynae gave mommy a choice whether to admit to the hospital immediately or go home for a rest and be admitted in the evening. Dad & Mom chose the 2nd option. We went home but it was too much to expect so we couldn't get into much sleep. Mommy had a nice warm bath, then kissed Deb goodbye (who would not be sleeping with mom for the first time in her life). By 7pm, we arrived at the hospital. Every moment still plays vividly in mom's mind till now.
The dilation was slow. Dad & Mom were singing praises to God while waiting for the moment. Mom was smiling and everything was still quite in control until past 9pm when the gynae came and broke the water bag with a long thin stick. The contractions became more intense but still tolerable. Mom had resolved to give birth to David naturally without any epidural, unlike the first experience. When the cervix dilated to 8cm, the contractions was at its peak... by then it was too late for any form of painkiller and there was no turning back. It was a great relieved when Mommy gave the final 3 pushes and David was out at 10.55pm. That split second relief was indescribable!

David came out looking dark and skinny and crying away, weighing 3.0kg and 48 cm in length. Unlike Deborah who was fair, chubby and quiet. Deborah was 3.4kg and 50 cm in length.

David at birth (13 April 2009) Deborah at birth (18 Aug 2007)

It's amazing to see how a helpless little baby can grow to become a toddler bursting with unceasing energy in a matter of 12 months. Researchers say that the growth rate of a baby is at its maximum in the first 6 months of the baby's life. We cannot but agree more with it.

Though David is our 2nd child, and you may think it is nothing new to see him do the same things his sister did... yet it still makes us chuckle, laugh and feel proud to see David's achievements - from sitting to crawling, and now learning to stand, squat and cruise. Every new thing he learns and every obstacle he overcomes are proud moments for the adults at home.

It has been a wonderful year. A friend of ours likes to say - Parenting brings the highest sense of fulfilment compared to all other vocations because you get to see your achievements everyday. How true.

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