Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The first week of a SAHM

Mommy was looking forward to the day when she could be a SAHM. It finally came on 22 April 2010. But no one would have expected how the first 5 days as a SAHM turned out for her.

Deborah developed rashes on Wed, 21 April 2010. It's the same kind of rashes mommy used to have when she was younger, which makes us suspect it could be hereditary. It was really agonising for Deborah to be scratching all over her body, and even more agonising for daddy and mommy to watch her itch. We dare say that there's one thing all parents hate to see --- i.e. to see our children suffer or fall ill, because it just makes us feel so helpless. There is nothing we could do to lessen their pain or discomfort, except to apply cream and feed them with loathesome medication (sometimes having to force it down their mouths), just hoping and praying that they will get well soon. It's like waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel. You won't know how heart-wrenching it is unless you've been a parent yourself.

The rashes subsided by Saturday. However, Deborah developed fever by the afternoon. The highest temperature recorded was 39.8 degrees C. The fever did not subside until Monday. In fact, on Sunday, the rashes came back in full force all over her body and she was itching again. All of us who saw it felt so painful in our hearts to see her suffering. She also started to refuse food and milk complaining of pain in the mouth.

On Sunday evening, we decided to bring her to the doctor. It gets really difficult to have your children fall ill on weekends, cos you can hardly find a paediatrician open on sundays. I found a directory with 24 hours GP clinics and hand picked one in Tampines St 21. The doctor at the clinic was an old man. Unfortunately, he didn't really showed any sincere concern over Deborah's condition other than telling us to give her a bath. We were upset and decided to pay just for the consultation charges and sought help at another clinic. Unfortunately, the 2nd clinic had a long queue, and Deborah was running a temperature of 39 degrees C. We were told that there were 7 patients before us but waited and realised there were more than 7. By the time , it was 8.30pm and mommy had to be home to feed David. So we left in anger because the nurse gave us the wrong information and made us waited for the last 30 minutes in vain.

Against all odds, we decided to resort to giving Deborah a bath to bring down her temperature coupled with a stronger medication. Much to our surprise, her fever subsided within hours. The next morning, we went back to our usual paediatrician. By then, Deborah rashes has also subsided, except for the sore throat.

Mommy hardly slept over the weekend. It was not the way we had expected to be.

Nonetheless, the important thing is that Deborah and David are both well. Praise the Lord.

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