Friday, March 19, 2010

Is Deborah really over-sized?

When friends see Deborah for the first time, they respond almost quite similarly - "she's tall!" "She's very big for her age"... ... It's becoming quite a norm for us to hear such comments from relatives and friends about Deborah.
When we brought Deborah to visit prospective kindergartens, the other children of the same age or older than Deborah were all shorter and smaller in size. Some of the teachers were also surprised when they knew how old Deborah actually was as compared to her size.
Currently, the clothes I buy for Deborah are usually for ages 4 to 5, although it is still 5 months before she turns 3. But they fit her well. Okay, I must admit...I have that same "kia-su" mentality of most parents and like what daddy also say -- better to buy bigger sizes since they outgrow their clothes very fast.
Well, I remember receiving the same comments about my height during my growing up years. Relatives and friends would say that I was very tall. For some time during my teens, I hated myself for being taller than my friends. Now? Yes, I am tall. I have grown to accept the fact. But I also think I am just averagely tall... not super tall.
It may seem a long way before Deborah becomes a teenager. But the time will come when she will be very concerned about her looks and her body, like every girl. My prayers for her is that she will learn to take these comments in stride and know that at the end of the day, she is God's masterpiece. And God definitely didn't make a mistake.
We live in an inperfect world, subject to the inperfections of this system. Our bodies, including everything in this world that we can see, are temporal. What is surely more important is who we are inside.
I hope she will know that no matter how she looks, she will always be beautiful in God's eyes and in our eyes.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14)


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