Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mommy's breastfeeding journey

On 13 April 2010, we will celebrate David's 1st birthday. For mommy, it is a year's achievement of total breastfeeding David, even though she returned to work when David was 3 months old.

It has been a wonderful journey for mommy and David. The exclusivity given to David and moments of cuddling together are one of the most beautiful maternal moments words can hardly describe. Of course, all these came with its fair share of sacrifices, agony and tiredness, especially the first 6-8 weeks. Up till now, mommy still wakes up in the night to nurse him, sometimes as much as 3 times in one night.

In retrospect, Mommy can never forget how she broke down in tears in front of Daddy by the 6th week of nursing David. By then, she was totally worn out and tired to the core. Lack, lack, lack of sleep! Mommy never slept for more than 1 hour in one go because David needed to be nursed every 2 hours. It was agonising!

However, things started to get better when David's body clock finally tuned correctly to day and night and he was about 8 weeks old. By then, he could sleep for 3-5 hours in the early evening and things started to get better.

As we cross the 12 months of breastfeeding David, Mommy's wondering how to wean him off. There's a lot of stories about how the child will cling on to Mommy's chest indicating he would like to be nursed, and it is agonising not to offer it to him. Just thinking about it makes my heart cringe. Bottomline is, every mom and child will have to go through this stage, isn't it?

Yes, and it will come to pass, hopefully quickly.

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