Monday, June 21, 2010

One month celebration of Sophie Tan

19 Jun 2010 - our family attended a dinner invitation to Sophie Tan's one month celebration at Roland Restuarant in Marine Parade. Sophie is mommy's (maternal) 3rd uncle's first grand child.

We had the pleasure of sharing the table with mommy's auntie's two nephews. They were in their early adulthood. One of them, Jamie shared that he is 23 years old and a Christian but not attending Church at the moment. He saw our family and shared that he could feel that we are a very blessed family. He also expressed his wish to have a family like ours -- with a daughter first.

Daddy encouraged Jamie to honor God and to return to his Church.

It's our prayers for Jamie that he will return to his Church to worship and serve God as his life's priority.

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