Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Power of Cousins

It is a weekly affair that Deborah & David's cousins will come over to our place every Friday. Except during the exams period, they will play and catch their serial dramas together.

Over the years and months, it is really interesting to see how they have grown so close to one another. The loving affections they expressed towards one another are not reserved. We believe such scenes are quite hard to find in many other families nowsadays.

One of the questions I like to ask new parents is whether their children have any young cousins. I like to encourage them to try and find opportunities for their children to mingle with pre-primary children or cousins. You really should not underestimate the positive influence and benefits that is involved.

For us, we are really blessed to have Gabrielle. As a result of her frequent visitations, Deborah picked up her speech relatively early compared to many first borns. Although they are about 5 years apart in age, both of them are able to click together beautifully. Deborah looked up to her as a role model. In fact, when Deborah was 6-8 months old, she will watch her older cousin run, jump and talk and observe her every move. Deborah will try to do the same and that's how she learned how to talk, jump, skip and do many actions -- just by watching Gabrielle. Yes, kids are simply great imitators.
Last December when Deborah fell really ill and was on medication, the only person who was able to coax her to take medicine from a spoon was Gabrielle.
Whenever Deborah wakes up from her nap feeling grouchy, her face lights up at once upon seeing her cousin in our house.

Deborah especially looks forward to outings where her cousin will also be there. Gabrielle is just like her best friend.

That's just how powerful cousins are!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mothers-in-law: Friend or foe? You decide.

One night, John popped a question to me, "what if mom move in to live with us?"

Like any usual daughter-in-law, I had my fair share of fears and concerns when my mom-in-law moved in to live with us almost four years ago. Since then, we have not looked back.

Here are some things to give thanks to God for my mom-in-law:

"Without my mom-in-law,...

... I wouldn't have been able to cope with my work, household, and family all at one go.
...my maids wouldn't be so hardworking and constantly on their toes about things in the house.
...my house front would not be filled with so many pots of beautiful flowers and plants, which makes me feel good coming home every time.
...we wouldn't have such nice home-cooked food from time to time.
...I will have one less comrade when there's a battle of the sexes at home."

Mothers-in-law: Friend or foe? I believe we have a choice. We can decide how we want things to turn out to be. When the choice we make honors God, God will honor us. Of course, it also take two hands to clap.


Don't misuse the rod

There's always a lot of debate among parents whether the cane should be used on children.

As the proverb goes "Spare the rod, spoil the child".

In our family, we advocate the use of cane to discipline the children. We believe that since the Bible puts it plainly in Proverbs 13:24, "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him", there is a place for the use of cane to discipline and correct a child.

Once at the paediatric centre while waiting for Deborah's turn to see the doctor, I saw a little boy, around the age of 1, slapped another child who was playing with a toy. The boy wanted to have the toy the child was playing with, so he went forward and slapped the child. The next moment, the boy's mother came from behind him, saw what had taken place, slapped the boy on his cheek and pulled him away. Before I could answer myself, I knew the answer at that moment, where the boy learned how to slap another person on the cheek -- from his own mother, apparently.

Children are great imitators. Our children follow everything we do. Deborah follows every word we say, and I do mean, even every careless word we speak. Even before the incident at the paediatric centre, I have make it one of my parenting values that I will never slap my children on the cheek as a form of discipline. You never know who they will slap on the cheeks when they are outside or at school. Don't even show them that this is an acceptable way of discipline.

On the other hand, the cane is different. Well, one might argue that the use of cane will give the child the idea that they can use any object to beat someone else. I do not intend to dwell on this contraversial issue, but what I have done is to prevent my children from playing with the rod or treating it as a toy. I will place the cane at a place where only the adults can reach. By so doing, it reinforce to the children that the cane is for discipline only, i.e. when they do something wrong, they know the cane will be used.

Yet many parents, including my own mother, fall victim to using the cane as a tool to lash out on their frustrations and anger. I remember when I was in primary school, my mom would use the cane on me when her patience ran out because I could not understand and solve the maths question or when I just simply couldn't memorise the idioms word for word.

A rule of thumb in disciplining children --- if we ever feel a sense of regret after using the cane on them, we have misused the rod.

The object of using the cane is to discipline and correct our children, to make them better people.

One key fruit of the Spirit that all parents must have is, the fruit of "self-control", not love. Some parents misused the rod and these children grow up into adults swearing that they will never use the cane on their own children, which is a great disfavour to the next generation.

The conclusion of the matter is clear: Spare the rod, spoil the child.. but don't misuse the rod!

A match made in heaven

Our family attended a wedding dinner last evening and it was wonderful to be able to witness the union of 2 wonderful & God-loving young adults begin the next chapter of their lives.

We find it especially heart-warming because they not only love each other dearly, they are a godly, young couple, committed to God's purposes.

Best wishes to you, Cousin Jocelyn & Brian Tan as you begin this new journey.

Our prayers for you is you will build a Godly family, and bring praise to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Is Deborah really over-sized?

When friends see Deborah for the first time, they respond almost quite similarly - "she's tall!" "She's very big for her age"... ... It's becoming quite a norm for us to hear such comments from relatives and friends about Deborah.
When we brought Deborah to visit prospective kindergartens, the other children of the same age or older than Deborah were all shorter and smaller in size. Some of the teachers were also surprised when they knew how old Deborah actually was as compared to her size.
Currently, the clothes I buy for Deborah are usually for ages 4 to 5, although it is still 5 months before she turns 3. But they fit her well. Okay, I must admit...I have that same "kia-su" mentality of most parents and like what daddy also say -- better to buy bigger sizes since they outgrow their clothes very fast.
Well, I remember receiving the same comments about my height during my growing up years. Relatives and friends would say that I was very tall. For some time during my teens, I hated myself for being taller than my friends. Now? Yes, I am tall. I have grown to accept the fact. But I also think I am just averagely tall... not super tall.
It may seem a long way before Deborah becomes a teenager. But the time will come when she will be very concerned about her looks and her body, like every girl. My prayers for her is that she will learn to take these comments in stride and know that at the end of the day, she is God's masterpiece. And God definitely didn't make a mistake.
We live in an inperfect world, subject to the inperfections of this system. Our bodies, including everything in this world that we can see, are temporal. What is surely more important is who we are inside.
I hope she will know that no matter how she looks, she will always be beautiful in God's eyes and in our eyes.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14)


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mommy's breastfeeding journey

On 13 April 2010, we will celebrate David's 1st birthday. For mommy, it is a year's achievement of total breastfeeding David, even though she returned to work when David was 3 months old.

It has been a wonderful journey for mommy and David. The exclusivity given to David and moments of cuddling together are one of the most beautiful maternal moments words can hardly describe. Of course, all these came with its fair share of sacrifices, agony and tiredness, especially the first 6-8 weeks. Up till now, mommy still wakes up in the night to nurse him, sometimes as much as 3 times in one night.

In retrospect, Mommy can never forget how she broke down in tears in front of Daddy by the 6th week of nursing David. By then, she was totally worn out and tired to the core. Lack, lack, lack of sleep! Mommy never slept for more than 1 hour in one go because David needed to be nursed every 2 hours. It was agonising!

However, things started to get better when David's body clock finally tuned correctly to day and night and he was about 8 weeks old. By then, he could sleep for 3-5 hours in the early evening and things started to get better.

As we cross the 12 months of breastfeeding David, Mommy's wondering how to wean him off. There's a lot of stories about how the child will cling on to Mommy's chest indicating he would like to be nursed, and it is agonising not to offer it to him. Just thinking about it makes my heart cringe. Bottomline is, every mom and child will have to go through this stage, isn't it?

Yes, and it will come to pass, hopefully quickly.

Songs Deborah can sing

1. I lift my voice (she calls this song "Singing ha")

I lift my voice in song unto Thy name
I lift my hands, You're every day the same
Come fill me now, Lord Jesus let it be
Let now our lips, speak new found praise to Thee
Singing hallelujah, hallelujah
Praise and worship to Thy name
Singing hallelujah, hallelujah
Praise and worship to Thy name

2. Here I am to worship.

"Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me."

3. Come on and celebrate - she mimics the way Teacher Florence claps and sway her body.

4. Step my step (O God, You are my God)

She hears this song every night before she sleeps ever since she was 3 months old. She remembers the lyrics by heart!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Family Lunch @ "With A Pinch of Salt" (14 Mar 2010)

Our family headed to this restaurant called "With A Pinch Of Salt" for lunch last Sun. It is located along Tanjong Katong Road - the exact location where "Miss Clarity Cafe" previously was.

Daddy had his fave "Old Macdonald's farm", now renamed as "Old Uncle Mac..." which still comprise of pork chop, steak, chicken chop, sunny-side-up, potato wedges. Mommy had a special ox tail stew with linguine, which taste perfect. Ox tail stew, we're told, is good for our spine. We ordered a dozen of baked escargots for appetizers which turned out cold, which was a disappointment! What was worst, daddy and mommy ended up with upset tummies when we went home.

Finally a SAHM (Stay-At-Home-Mom)

After contemplating for 2 and half years, mommy finally tendered her resignation. Come 24 April 2010, mommy will be a SAHM officially.

It has not been an easy decision to make because it means zero income and other implications which includes mommy's physical and emotional health. (Don't mistaken, she's not about to make the situation seem that bad.) In fact, she can't wait to be out of the workplace, especially with the changes that has taken place. Mommy already has in mind plenty of things to do with the kids and daddy - ranging from overseas holidays to bringing D&D to the playground.

We are looking forward to having more enriching times together as a family. Wish us well.

Start of Tans Family Diary

Introducing The Tansters:

Head of the House - John Tan

Mistress of the House - Doreen Tan

1st Offspring - Deborah Tan

2nd Offspring - David Tan