Over the years and months, it is really interesting to see how they have grown so close to one another. The loving affections they expressed towards one another are not reserved. We believe such scenes are quite hard to find in many other families nowsadays.
One of the questions I like to ask new parents is whether their children have any young cousins. I like to encourage them to try and find opportunities for their children to mingle with pre-primary children or cousins. You really should not underestimate the positive influence and benefits that is involved.
For us, we are really blessed to have Gabrielle. As a result of her frequent visitations, Deborah picked up her speech relatively early compared to many first borns. Although they are about 5 years apart in age, both of them are able to click together beautifully. Deborah looked up to her as a role model. In fact, when Deborah was 6-8 months old, she will watch her older cousin run, jump and talk and observe her every move. Deborah will try to do the same and that's how she learned how to talk, jump, skip and do many actions -- just by watching Gabrielle. Yes, kids are simply great imitators. Last December when Deborah fell really ill and was on medication, the only person who was able to coax her to take medicine from a spoon was Gabrielle.
Whenever Deborah wakes up from her nap feeling grouchy, her face lights up at once upon seeing her cousin in our house.
Deborah especially looks forward to outings where her cousin will also be there. Gabrielle is just like her best friend.
That's just how powerful cousins are!