Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mommy's bento-making (Part III)

My biggest challenge in bento-making is I have to look for food that I can prepare within 30 minutes or so. Any thing that needs longer time to cook, such as rice, will mean either I have lesser snooze time, or I'll be late. Hence, my bentos are usually limited to sandwiches and pasta, or off-the-shelf snacks.
April - May 2014
 Here I made tuna mayo using animal pasta the kiddos received from bro Jonathan Teo. Just cook the pasta in boiling water for about 8-10 minutes, add salt. Drain the pasta and then add tuna mayonnaise.. and wah lah!

I have to admit I have never watched any "Anpanman" cartoon. I happened to see an "Anpanman" bento made by another mother and then googled on it. It is a very popular Japanese cartoon series that has been around for 20 years. I suppose it shares similar level of popularity in Japan as that of Barney in Singapore. Hmh....What was I doing in my childhood that I never heard of Anpanman till now?

Made this cutie teddy bear bento for Deborah on 11 Apr 2014. I can remember the date clearly because it was the Friday when we celebrated David's 5th birthday in school. Hence, I was given his "permission" that I do not need to prepare a bento for him that day.
Love the colours of this bento. I got compliments on this cute teddy, and it certainly made my day!
Decided to make a pair of chicks - male and female since David complained that the hello kitty bento I made recently was for girls.

This is a bigger version of the dog bento I made.
The earlier one was using just one slice of bread rolled up like a swiss roll.

An elephant bento which delighted David to the max, because it is his favourite land animal.

I made this bento after a long break from bento-making, and wasn't doing much homework. Shortly after I started preparing the necessities for bento-making, to my horror (minus the screams, since it was 5am in the morning), I saw a lizard staring at me from the sink. I lost concentration and quickly simplified my bento to just this face that probably reflected what I look that morning.
Frog bento - used cucumber slices, cheese and nori for the eyes, crabmeat for the cheeks, cheese slice for the crescent-shaped mouth. Also added blackberries and red seedless grapes.

Hello Kitty bento. I finally made it! I couldn't find a hello kitty sandwich cutter that could fit the size of Gardenia bread. The cutters are usually bigger than the bread slices. I improvised and came up with this simpler version. And I specially bought those hello kitty cookies for this.

A mickey mouse cutter that I found it too small. And then, this way of making it came to mind and it turned out well too.

Remember this popular computer game in the 80s - Pacman. It was one of my favourite games when I was young.

Snail bento, with octopus sausage. The "shell" is actually strawberry swiss rolls bought from Polar.

Thanks to Jason and Sherlyn, I received several new animal sandwich cutters last week. This squirrel is one of those. Of course, I couldn't wait to use them to create more interesting bentos.

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