Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mommy's Bento-making (Part II)

Here are the bentos I made in the month of February 2014.
Soon after, I started purchasing sandwich cutters that could help make bento-making more interesting and fun. And this car bento was one which David went "wow" when he saw it for the first time.

I fried a pancake to make this Doraemon's face. It turned out uneven and patchy because I was using those frying pan. Maybe I should invest in a pancake maker soon....

In this bento, I had the three round donuts and decided to put a message for Deborah. It was quite cool to make a 3D-heart using a red strawberry.  I also added the colourful biscuits I used to have them when I was at David's age.

This is a sheep bento come with animal-shaped biscuits with names on it.
I used a flower-shaped sandwich cutter for the sheep's face, cheddar cheese slice for the ears, ham for the nose and nori for the eyes.
I bought those animal biscuits from Fairprice. There are a lot of cute biscuits in supermarkets nowsadays. In fact, I would be looking out for cute biscuits available in the supermarket while doing grocery shopping these days. 

This snoopy bento was made on a Sunday morning for the bigger kiddos (Jason and my hubby) who were envious of the bentos I made for Deborah and David during the week.
Well, who say adults don't deserve bentos.  

I used "President" cheddar slice cheese for the Tiger's face. Cos I haven't invested in those professional cutters for face-making, so it took a while to cut out the eyes, nose, mouth and stripes. But still, I get this great sense of achievement to be able to come up with this, since I am just an amateur.
Anyway, now you know what to get for my birthday this year? (*hint, hint*)

March 2014
I begun doing a lot of research on bento-making on the internet and I found so many other mothers who are much, much better skilled and creative, and it was really mind blasting to see their bento creations.
By March, I have a long list of animal bentos I wanted to make. Here are what I had managed to produce, with my limited and humble skills.
Butterfly sandwich bento made with heart-shaped cutters. The patterns on the wings are made with frosty loops cereals.

This chick bento is really so cute, I simply love looking and re-looking at it. I used black sesame seeds for the eyes, carrot for nose. And added Milo ball cereals and baby asparagus as sides.

This is the second cow bento I attempted. The first one which I made in January was much simpler.

I know this Elmo bento looks somewhat awkward, but this was the best I could do without a cutter for the face.

This fish bento is also one of my favourite. I also prepared star-shaped peach jelly for this bento... if you could see it. Haha...

This silly-face bento is some thing original I came up with. I woke up in the morning not knowing what to make. So I let my fingers do the talking, and came up with this cute, silly face.

Ladybird bento with papaya, blueberries and strawberries.

Leopard bento. The spots were made using a chopstick dipped with nutella. And the effect turned out really good.

Monkey bento. Regretfully, this is one bento I am most dissatisfied with. Kids couldn't make out what it was when I showed them the picture.  I will do my research and make another better-looking monkey-face for my cheekie monkies soon.

Mushroom bento made with long buns and sausage. The polka-dots are made with cheese.

Owl bento. I used almond chips for the feathery effect on the body.

Penguin bento, with edamame, peaches and strawberries.

My second Pig bento.

This is a simple tree sandwich. I was too tired that morning so I did not add details on the trees.

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