Saturday, June 14, 2014

Off to Penang - Day 1 (2 June 2014)

Finally, it's school holidays! After a rough start to Deborah's Primary One journey and Year 2014... I am really thankful to my dear hubby for this much-needed vacation.

It was only planned about 3 weeks before we headed off for this trip, so I did not really do much research on what I should do in Penang. I have to admit, I literally took it from another parent's blog since Penang is not a difficult place to bum around.

We were bound for Penang on SilkAir. All the budget airlines would cost us about $700-$800 for 2A2C, but daddy decided that we could get on SilkAir at $1,200 for 2A2C.

Of course, the kiddos were most happy to get on the plane.

And they are always looking for opportunity to pull their luggage.

When our plane was delayed for 30 minutes, David asked me umpteen times when we could get on the plane. Every minute must have been like a day to him... haha!!

When we are so excited about this holiday, how can we do without a selfie?...hee hee.

However, the kiddos were so disappointed that there was no inflight entertainment on board SilkAir. Haha... so they are now pestering us that we must travel on SIA every time we travel.

Since the flight was only about an hour...the kids didn't have much time for a nap. So the next best time to steal a nap was in the taxi on the way to the hotel. Our hotel is located at Batu Ferringhi, 45 minutes from Penang International Airport. The taxi ride cost RM75.

There is a taxi counter the moment we entered the public arrival hall at the Penang International Airport. It is very convenient as they have taxis of all sizes available - 4-seater to mini-vans.

We arrived at Golden Sands Resort by Shangri-La, and checked-in smoothly into our hotel room. While waiting for daddy to make the check-in arrangements, the children's eyes were already glued to the resort's swimming pool. 

Before arriving, the cheekie kids were already discussing about jumping on to the hotel's bouncy beds. Yes, and that's what they did!

And exploring the room... we realised the toilet in our room come with two see-through windows.

After unpacking, the next thing we did was to purchase some bottles of drinking water. We walked across the road from our hotel's entrance to a local minimart. Instead of plastic bag carriers, we were given this newspaper packaging to carry back to our hotel room. Kuddos to their recycling efforts!

Looks how else it can be used in the hands of daddy Tan...
Then we got a taxi from our hotel lobby and headed to Fishing Village for a seafood dinner.

David taking a picture with the giant-sized lobsters.

We could not order much seafood since Daddy and Deborah were both down with cough and mommy was recovering from a sore throat. Aside from some vegetables and tofu, we order some chicken wings and a Teochew-style steam red garoupa.

Then we had a short stroll along the beach. The scenery was so soothing and calm.

We headed back to the hotel by getting the seafood restaurant to call a cab, since the restaurant was not located along the main road. Then we took a walk at the night market just outside our hotel. 

And we found something that amused the kids all night... watch the video below to find out.


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