Thursday, June 11, 2015

Tans in Macau (Day 1 - 2 June 2015)

Our second phase of the school holidays is a short getaway to Macau. Actually, we only decided on this trip just three weeks before. That was after we had booked an apartment to stay in Melaka from 8-11 June and realised that David was going to have his swimming test on 10 June. So we made a free cancellation and decided to head for Macau on the first week instead.
We had our breakfast at Changi Airport Terminal 2 Departure Lounge after checking-in our luggage, and that gave David a feast for his eyes where he admired his beloved A380 Singapore Airlines plane.
The Singapore Airline A380 just right behind them.
A 'wefie' while waiting for our flight to arrive...

All set to go as our Tiger Air Flight arrived shortly before our scheduled time for departure. Thankfully, our flight departed almost on time at around 1.25pm.

While kiddos were looking out for the planes that were taking off, mommy and daddy were bored waiting... so like many, we take selfies and wefies. Haha.
This boy is all excited on the plane...

Waiting for the plane to take off...

We were all prepared with our own in-flight entertainment. I downloaded in both ipads several Peppa Pig shows and Mr Bean shows from Youtube to help the kiddos past time during the 3 hours 55 minutes flight. That really help make the flight less noisy and stressful.

But poor adults, we have no entertainment in-flight.... so we take wefies, again...

And occasionally, looking out into the blue sky. It is a view I don't get to see from the top often.
As the flight was getting ready for landing... no more ipad... and so this cheekie boy got a little restless...

And then, he gets another round of his favourite views.... he was so excited to see Xiamen Airlines and Macao Air aeroplanes for the first time as we arrive at Macao International Airport, on schedule. 
After going through the customs, I caught sight of some hotel staff holding tablets with names of  various hotels. We approached a lady with the tablet sign "City of Dreams - Hard Rock Hotel" and enquired from her about the free shuttle service. Both she and her colleague were very helpful and led us to the area where we waited for about 10 minutes and boarded the comfortable shuttle bus to our hotel. Free-of-charge.
The journey took about 5-7 minutes from the airport.  We arrived at "City of Dreams" - the integrated resort that comprise of three hotels (Crown Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel and Grand Hyatt Hotel), a Casino, and a shopping centre with restaurants.

At the lobby, waiting to check-in and get our hotel room key.

And we love our room. I booked a room with two double beds, and the room was really spacious for the four of us. Daddy was really pleased about the room we had.
And we got a great view from our hotel room - right opposite The Venetian Macao.
I wasn't the only one who loved the view... the kids loved it and they were always playing by the window throughout the stay, and looking down at the pool area just below our hotel room. They even saw people playing kick-boxing by the pool in the mornings.
By the time we settled down in the hotel, it was 7pm. We asked for some directions from the concierge and got on a free shuttle bus outside the hotel to get to Galaxy Hotel where we could actually walk to Taipa Village. When we arrive at Galaxy Hotel, from what we gather from the hotel staff, the location is near, however, as there would be turns and roads to cross and we did not have a clear map on hand, we ended up in a taxi to get to Taipa Village from Galaxy Hotel. The taxi fare was less than SGD 10.00.
We went to Seng Chang Restaurant and tried the famous Crab porridge, fried frog legs, soya sauce chicken and Broccoli fried with sotong.
Then we came by a shop that sells traditional HK pastries, and bought more than 25 boxes of Wife's biscuits and Almond cookies, that costs us almost SGD200.00.

Then we tried the Durian D-24 ice-cream.
We came to a flight of stairs with these lamp-posts that had this Eurasian, old Portuguese feel.

 As most shops were closing, we headed back to the hotel to rest for the night.

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