Thursday, June 11, 2015

Peppa Pig Treasure Hunt Show (1 June 2015)

The June holidays officially started on 1 June 2015, and the first holiday program lined up for the kiddos is the inaugural Peppa Pig Treasure Hunting Show at Resorts World Theatres at Sentosa.
We got the second row seats that were so close to the stage, thanks to Auntie Cherynn who booked the tickets for us.

After the show, we had lunch and headed off to try the Luge & Skyride.
All ready to go. The luge has a statement "Once is just not enough". And it is certainly true. After the first try, the kids were insisting to go for a second ride.
It was fun though, but somehow, I had wobbly legs when taking this skyride. I didn't remember feeling so scared during my first ride at Everland Park in Seoul.
Well, good thing the kids were having fun and didn't mind going up via the skyride.  

At Imbiah Station, we saw these two ladies on stilts, making giant bubbles under the hot sun.

And a must-have photo with the merlion.

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