Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Times flies..End of Primary 1

Time has been zooming by really fast for 2014.

I still vividly remember the many hiccups, fears, anxieties adjustments, and the difficulties we experienced as Deborah entered Primary 1 - worried if her school bag was too heavy, feeling anxious whether she knows how to buy food during recess, worried if she will be bullied in school, upset when a classmate took her pencil, pissed off when a classmate shouted rudely at her, feeling sad when she once told me that no one ate with her during recess and how her classmate was always bossy and loud......

The school ended the year with Deborah putting up a performance for the parents together with her classmates in Pri 1 Joy. It is indeed a very moving and proud moment for me to see how she has gone through the year and grown so much more independent.

Deborah and her classmate put up a little skit in mandarin, then followed by a Chinese song titled "All Mothers are the same".

Then, they demonstrated how they would play with the Chinese character cards and how this could help to improve their mandarin and form sentences. Hence, parents could do this at home during recreation, learning while playing.

This is a "Thank you" card from Deborah to daddy and mommy.

Parent and child bonding time by playing rounds of charade.

Having recess with Deborah.
She was so delighted when mommy relaxed the rule and bought her a cup of her favourite mixed soda, as a reward for her wonderful performance earlier. Mommy is also very proud of her excellent conduct and academic results throughout the year.
Well done, our sweetie pie.

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