Thursday, August 28, 2014

Zhi Yun's Birthday Party (24 Aug 2014)

Deborah's classmate cum partner, Zhi Yun, invited us for her 7th birthday party at The Minton Condominium on 24 Aug 2014.
There was a magic show lined up and from the smiles on Deborah's face below, yes, you guessed it... she enjoyed her so, so much. I think she laughed the loudest throughout the show. As usual, she is always so bright and cheery when there is loads of fun. What's more, this was her closest classmate's party... she was really so happy to be there.

Deborah standing with the birthday girl through out the cake-cutting...erm... cos she wanted to blow out the candles and perhaps, steal some of the limelight...I guess. Haha..

And look who is happy too...

...but he cried when a boy pushed him and his cake fell onto the floor later on.
And here's Deborah with her best pal & birthday girl, Zhi Yun.

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