Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Deborah is in Primary One.

Yes! Time is so fast that my eldest daughter is now in Primary One.
By this time, it is already her 3rd week in Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School (Primary), my alma-mater.
She is waking up at 5.55am every weekday and returns home at about 2pm. You could easily see the tiredness in their eyes as she was adjusting to her new schedule during the first two weeks.

First day in school when I was with her in the canteen before assembly. She was very excited and we are proud she was adapting to the new environment with such a cheerful and positive attitude.

Day two during her recess.
We used to laugh at my niece-in-law, Glynis for buying chee cheong fun for her recess everyday from Primary 1 to 3.
Now, apparently, Deborah is buying cheese tofu (three for a dollar) every day in school! Haha... what goes around indeed comes around.

The school's theme this year is "Strive for Excellence".
When Deborah came home from school yesterday, I was delighted when she was able to recite Colossians 3:23 by heart.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man."
It is our prayers that Deborah will continue to grow into a woman of fine & godly character, giving her best to the Lord Jesus in everything she does.

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