Saturday, December 7, 2013

Taiwan 2013 (Day 5 - 22 Nov 2013)

Breakfast at the minsu was authentic Taiwanese food.
We were rather surprised to have a pot of purple porridge served on our table. This is something like sweet potato porridge, just that their sweet potato is purple in color. It turned out to be quite delicious. I have almost two bowlfuls of it every morning, cos it goes so well with the side-dishes (as you can see in the following pictures).

Three-tier side dishes, with salad and savouries.

After breakfast, we headed to Farglory Ocean Park in Hualien, which was about three minutes drive from our minsu. Ms Lim, the lady at the minsu offered to drive us to the Ocean Park and come fetch us when we were ready to head back to the minsu.

Some selfie pics while waiting for the Dolphin show to commence.

Then, some entertainment as prelude to the Dolphin show.

We spotted this weird looking dolphin. We later learnt that this dolphin only has teeth on its upper jaws. It does not have any teeth on its lower jaw.

Can you spot where we are in the screen?
We were sitting on the second row of the left section.

Dolphins just never fails to amaze the children and also the adults.


Deborah was selected to participate during the Dolphin show.

Then we went up to an almost empty ferris wheel and the view before us was absolutely awesome (Daebak!) 


We went into the  Discovery Island.

Where there was stingrays...


Baby sharks (David's favourite sea creature)...


Nemo fish...

Turtle (just a fake one)...

Shark eggs...

Baby shark embryos...

an odd-looking fish...


Water snails...

Angel fish...
A lobster with a small camera in the eye. It got the kids fascinated and puzzled how they could appear on the TV screen above.

After lunch, it started pouring very heavily. We almost thought the sealion show would be cancelled. Thank God the rain became just drizzle when the show was about to begin. 

Sealions playing volleyball.

Sealions playing water basketball.

and with their usual tricks.

The highlight for the day has to be this:
Just before the Dolphin and Sealion show, there was a lady walking around the auditorium with a large poster -- Photograph and kiss by sealion for NTD 300. We asked the children whether they wanted it. David shook his head straight away. But after some time, Deborah plucked up the courage and insisted she wanted to be kissed by the sealion. Daddy and I were quite hesitant and wondered if Deborah was really serious about it. But after some persuasion from her, she looked really keen and courageous enough to try it... so we let her.
Yes, we took the picture together with a real sealion that came sliding down from a door to our left. Only Deborah was kissed by the sealion. Daddy, David and I just didn't have that much courage for it. In fact, the sealion kissed her almost 5-6 times.
We asked her about the experience afterwards, and Deborah said that it was nothing scary...just that, it was kind of wet on her cheeks. Kudos to Deborah for her courage!
Before we ended the day at the Ocean Park, we took the cable car ride to the magical castle on the higher ground to catch the last acrobatic show for the day.



Sadly, photos were not allowed in the theatre and they were quite strict about it.
And David was too tired that he fell fast asleep in the middle of the show. 
After the show, we headed downhill by cable car and it was almost closing time. By then, we were so tired after a whole day of walking and fun. We did not want to overstrain the kids and so decided to spend the rest of the night in the min su. We ordered ta-bao dinner from the same seafood place where we had our dinner last night, but ended up quite pathetic because there was no proper place to eat and inadequate cutlery in the minsu.
And then, Daddy couldn't resist the craving for the lobster again and insisted we must have one more dinner there before leaving Hualien.

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