Thursday, December 5, 2013

Taiwan 2013 (Day 3 - 20 Nov 2013)

Today is the highlight of our holiday in Taiwan for the kids!

Hooray!! We are heading to Baby Boss in Living Mall, Taipei.

We took the Taipei Metro from Taipei Main Station to ZhongXiao Fuxing Station (3 stations away) on the Bannan Line (a.k.a. "Blue Line), take Exit 5 and walk to "Land Bank". There is a bus-stop just in front of the "Land Bank". Take the free "Living Mall Shuttle Bus" and alight at "Living Mall". The shuttle bus service commences at 10.30am, and the bus comes at 30-min interval.

We arrived at the bus-stop at 10.00am which was way too early, so decided to walk around to find a place for some milk tea. We found some shops selling breakfast and sat down to have our tea while observing the morning crowd and what the morning was like for the typical working Taiwanese.


We walked over to the bus-stop at 10.20am and the "Living Mall Shuttle Bus" arrived at the bus stop around 10.25am (which was 5 minutes earlier), and we hopped on to an almost empty bus. Maybe, it is because it was a weekday (Wednesday).

The excited kiddos...

Daddy showing his love for mommy.

And some funny pose too...

And finally, we arrived...

The Christmas decorations were already up outside the mall.

Baby Boss is located on the 7th floor. When we entered the play area, the airline station was recruiting the pilots and flight attendants. As the pilot group was full, Deborah and David managed to fill the last 2 slots for the flight attendants group.
Waiting to change into their flight attendants' uniforms.
Parents of the flight attendant group were given an entrance pass into the plane to pretend as passengers in the flight.

Caught a glimpse of them in the changing room.

Walking out smartly in their flight attendant uniforms and pulling a luggage.
David looked so comical in the oversized shirt and pants. 


The children stood in a line at the entrance to welcome the passengers on board. Then they took turns to push trolley to serve passengers with magazines and blankets.

Standing proudly after completing their first occupation of the day.

And they felt really happy to receive the BB dollars which they have earned after completing their work. The children get to spend the BB dollars at the BB Toy shop.
 David is very, very, very eager to become a pilot. I have to say that his 4-year old ambition is to be a pilot. (yes I know, it may change as kids grow older). But as of now, he talks about being a pilot and about aeroplanes everyday. And even retells his favourite aeroplanes stories to us.
Having said this, he was definitely not going to miss his chance to be a pilot at BB. While his sister was trying out to be a dentist, he re-joined the queue in the pilot group.

Just looked at how happy he was after completing his pilot training. It's all on his big smiling face.

Deborah's second stop was the Dental clinic. There she learnt how to take care of her teeth and what it was like to be a dentist.

She also learnt how to brush her teeth in a proper way, and took turns to clean the teeth of a mannequin-patient.
Deborah was hungry by the time she finished at the dental clinic. We had our lunch at the in-house restaurant which sold set menus of beef  brisket noodle / rice, spaghetti with fries.
The 3rd stop was the fire station. 

They were the first two children in the queue, and so the person-in-charge had David to be his model to show how the uniform was to be put on.

Listening attentively...

Sliding down the pole is one of the thing the kids dream about doing.


Again, I caught that big smile on David's face after he slid down the pole.
Deborah helping David to put on his safety helmet.
Then off they went into the fire truck to put out the fire.

I was too tired of walking that I did not follow the fire truck. To my dismay, the kids came back to share that they actually used real water hose to put out fire at a blazing building.
After they accomplished their mission successfully.
The 4th occupation is police officer.
David was queuing to tidy up the way he wear his cap.

After that, it was some police training and learning the commands.

Then they went for police patrolling to control the traffic.


Standing at attention.

 Having a picture in front of the police station after patrolling.
The next occupation the children tried was to be a gas station attendant.
Briefing before they serve their customer.

Welcoming the customer and showing the driver where he should park his vehicle.

Deborah is filling up the petrol for the vehicle.

By this time, we were nearing the end of the day. With another hour before BB closes, the kiddos managed to try out 2 more occupations - Dairy Farmer and Paramedic.
David gets excited whenever he sees a cow, never mind if it is real or not. 
Going through the farming crash course...

How it feels to milk a cow...

And each took turns to brush the cow...

Getting their wages...

Last station is the hospital.

We only had time left for them to be paramedics.

Getting on the ambulance.

Paramedics attending to the victim.

Deborah was very proud to be the stretcher-bearer.

Notice David lending a helping hand.

Holding the stretcher and going up the ambulance.

Due to time constrain, there were many other occupations that Deborah and David loved to try.
There is a TOP Hotel where kids can play the role of hotel receptionist, astronaut, construction worker, fashion designer, musician, radio deejay, etc.

It was a long, tiring but fun day. They both earned about 90 BB dollars at the end of the day, and exchanged it for a sheet of stickers.

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