Monday, December 23, 2013


"Tis the season to be jolly....fa la la la la la la la la....'
How will you be spending Christmas this year?
Throughout the month of December, we will probably have many friends posting pictures of gatherings with families and friends, food, meals, presents and parties.
But what will make you truly happy during this Christmas season?
This year, I decided I had to do the right things. I did not want to spend another Christmas without pleasing my Lord Jesus. Since I knew that Christ is the reason for the season. And I know He came to earth as a helpless babe to save mankind. He came from heaven to earth to show us the way back to God. And most of all, His desire is for all to come to repentance and none to perish.
As we drew closer to December, the Holy Spirit reminded me repeatedly of the words Jesus' spoke "with man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible". I sensed the Holy Spirit's prompting that I ought to take the step of faith to believe that God can use me if I allow Him to, by inviting people to my Church's Christmas Evangelistic Celebrations. I was also shown that if I invite one friend to come and he doesn't come, I will fail 100%. But if I invite 10, there is a higher possibility that 1-3 will show up and that will mean 10-30% success.
True enough, it worked! Praise the Lord!
Our family are so happy to see Darren Lau, Kelvin Ng, Josephine, Rachel Goh, Cynthia Ng with us last evening! Their presence proved that God is at work among us and in the hearts of people. Our prayer is for these dear brothers and sisters to find joy in committing their lives to the Lord and get to taste the goodness of the Lord in increasing measure! It was a pity I forgot to take a picture with them.
But this year, I have learnt a valuable lesson. Trust and obey, throw out your nets as wide as you can, so we can see God's miracles working through us.
Have you brought someone to hear the Good News this Christmas? It's never too late....

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