Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Deborah's K2 Graduation & BBTK Concert 2013

We have been attending BBTK's Annual Graduation & Concert for 3 years now. This year is especially meaningful because it is Deborah's final performance in BBTK as well as her graduation concert.

It was a pleasant surprise to receive the invitation card with Deborah's drawing on it. Deborah was especially proud because this is the first complete drawing she has ever done. And mommy is proud too, because it was the first time she sat down patiently with Deborah to guide her how to draw.

Mommy had the privilege of walking her down the aisle for the concert commencement because Deborah wanted Mommy to do the honours. Besides, Daddy will get his chance when Deborah gets married in the future. (Sorry, daddy, you will have to wait longer.)

This year, the theme for BBTK's concert is Good News!
The GOOD NEWS message was delivered by Elder Jeffrey Goh from Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church.
What I gleaned from his message was that no matter who we are, God loves us. He loves us just as we are. His infinite love for us is not based on what we do, how we look or what we have achieved. His love is solely based on who HE is - His faithfulness, His character to love.
When God loves us, He gave us not just blessings. He gave us His heart, His only Son - Jesus Christ, and most of all, His HEART of love poured out all for us through the Blood of Jesus.
I am praying that this Good News message will continue to minister to the hearts of the parents and grandparents who were listening to the message that day, and may the Lord JESUS reveal His love fully in their lives, through the Holy Spirit.

Deborah taking a picture before marching-in with Lindsey Ong, her classmate of 3 years since they were in Nursery together.

Deborah on the stage for the K2 graduation performance, with her classmates from JOY 1 & school mates from Class JOY 6

Deborah receiving her Graduation Certificate with her classmates.
(From left: Mrs Ong - guest, Mrs Grace Seah - Principal, Mdm Teo - Deborah's Chinese Teacher for 3 years, Mrs Yang - School Administrator, Ms Wong - Centre Manager)
Next, the performance by David and his classmates of Faith 2. David was very proud to be one of the 8 children selected as part of the choir group to start off his class performance.
The song they sang this year is "I love to tell the story" by Go Fish. It is a modern version of an old hymn.

Deborah's class (JOY 1) sang the song "Forever" for their class performance. Dressed in this sweet red and white dress, she really looked like a princess that day, short of a prince charming. Haha!
The finale songs the children sung this year were "He will carry you" and "Heavenly Home" (in mandarin).
Wanna thank the 2 grandmothers and also,  Da-Gu-Ma (Celine), Dua-Bei (Jimmy), Er-Gu-Ma (Joo Lian), Er-Gu-Zhang (Denard) & Da-Jiu (Desmond) for attending the children's concert and giving them your loving, wonderful support.


Finally, a picture was quickly taken at home after the concert, just before the children started getting cranky for missing their afternoon nap.

1 comment:

  1. I just loved all of these photos! Great work my friend! My sister also hosted a huge carnival themed party at the garden event venue Atlanta for her twins and it was a blasting evening. I'm sure that both the kiddos will remember that special bash. Even the kiddos helped her with all of the planning and craft making.
