Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Our 1st Staycation @ RWS

We finally made it to RWS on 30 Sep!

 Yes, thank God Daddy got the hotel to postpone our staycation date without charge.

The other thing we are so, so thankful for was that we were initially supposed to put up at Hotel Michael if we had proceeded with the staycation on 12 September. This was because, it was school holiday week, hence a peak period and Festive Hotel was fully occupied then.  Due to the change of date, we could stay in Festive Hotel, which was where Mommy really wanted. Praise the Lord!  

We had a pleasant surprise when we saw a personalised welcome note from RWS on the smart TV in our room.
The room was excellent and tastefully decorated.
Even daddy was impressed and enjoyed the stay!


Our room faces the city and the Adventure Cove Waterpark where we spent the afternoon.
Sadly, we didn't manage to capture any photos because Mommy also joined in the waterplay fun. Haha...
When you have young kids, the toughest thing is to keep them quiet when Mom and Dad are busy with the unpacking and packing. And this was what kept the two of them busy in the room - the ladder that leads up to a single bed.
Even daddy couldn't resist trying it! 
 On our way back to the hotel from the Adventure Cove Waterpark, we chanced upon this tuk-tuk Taxi outside Coca steamboat restaurant.

After our bath, we were almost dying of hunger. Thankfully, there are plenty of eateries and restaurants without going too far. The moment mommy saw a Chinese restaurant, we decided upon it.

One dessert worth mentioning is this banana fritters. We were all quite puzzled when the  plate of banana fritters was served with a big bowl of ice water.
The waitress would dip the very hot fritters into the ice cold water before serving it on our individual plates. We were told that the banana fritters are actually covered by a layer of sweet candy, and it will harden in the ice water. This will also ensure that the banana inside remain soft, while the outside is hard and the dough remains crispy. It tastes yummy indeed!
The following day on 1 Oct, we spent our $50 dining credit at the buffet breakfast at Starz @ Hotel Hard Rock. It was really crowded cos we woke up rather late. By the time we reached, we only had 30 mins left before breakfast ends.

After breakfast, it was more water & sand play for the kids. This time, it's for free! (Who's happiest? - Daddy, of course. LOL!) 
It is a really fun place that can keep the kids occupied the whole day. Unfortunately, we had to check out the hotel by 2pm, so the children were really sad to have to leave so soon. And especially David, because he finally garnered his courage to go on the water slide by himself after 1.5 hours of reservation. When he was finally able to enjoy the slide, it was time to go, and so he gave his signature look of disappointment.
We were all so relunctant to leave the place. But we had to...and so our short staycation has ended.
David was thrilled to learn that our next holiday will be for ten days, and he is already looking forward to going on an aeroplane next month.

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