Thursday, September 5, 2013

School Term 3 (Year 2013)

We are coming to the close of Term 3/2013. Yes, school term break will start tomorrow. Hooray!

David has received his Term 3 portfolios and activity books. It is always interesting to read what our kids had been doing in school during the last 10 weeks.  I am always impressed by the teachers of BBTK (Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Kindergarten) for the efforts they put in to take photographs of the activities our children were involved in at school.

In this term, the school focused on the theme, "Food and Fruits".  The children have been reciting and singing songs and nursery rhymes about foods and fruits. One of David's favourite is the "Watermelon song" (sung to the tune of "Are you sleeping, Are you sleeping?"),

"Watermelon, watermelon,
thump, thump, thump (2x)
I think you are ready, I think you are ready
Big and round, big and round".

Here are some songs and rhymes the kids have learnt this term:

In July, one of Deborah's homework was to identify healthy and unhealthy foods through cut-and-paste pictures from magazines.

Another week, both Deborah and David came home with a booklet that encouraged the children to paste sticker when they drank a glass of plain water. It was a promotion exercise by Health Promotion Board to encourage young children to drink more plain water instead of soft drinks.

On 15 August 2013, Deborah and her K2 classmates had an excursion to PastaMania @ Seng Kang Sports Hall to learn pizza-making.  We were looking forward to tasting the pizza she made and were so disappointed when she told us they had finished the pizzas for lunch.  Nonetheless, we are happy that she thoroughly enjoyed herself (although she had car-sick on the way back to school on the coach).  It was thrilling to see Deborah showing off her Certificate of Participation. Kudos to BBTK, once again.

11 days later, Mommy joined David and his classmates for the
school's first-ever field walk to Sheng Siong supermarket on 26 August 2013.

The children were given a worksheet with a list of fruits / juices. Their task was to look for the actual fruits / juices in the supermarket and then cross it out on the worksheet.

David was kind of surprise to see a yellow flesh cut-watermelon in the supermarket for the first time. It then dawned on me that I had not showed him one before.

Today, the school is celebrating Teachers' day before the week long school holiday commences. What we can look forward in Term 4 is our sweetie princess will be graduating soon, and in 3 months time, she will be entering Primary One at mommy's alma mater - Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' Primary School.

The remaining months of Year 2013 is going to be very exciting for our family. So stay tune.

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