Thursday, September 12, 2013

A painful lesson learnt

Last Sun, our family were treated to a sumptuous buffet spread at Marriott Hotel. In our blissfulness, mommy and daddy overlooked an important meal etiquette that caused our two lovely kiddos to come down with mild food poisoning.

The day after, on Monday morning at 6am, David woke mommy up as he complained of a stomachache. After 30 minutes of trying stomach massage using Ju Wee oil, he still felt uncomfortable. And even complained he was nauseous and vomited a little. Thinking it could be constipation, we headed down to Thomson Medical Centre's 24-hr Family Clinic, as it had already happened to David twice in the last one year. The doctor said that David was slightly constipated and had a bloated stomach and prescribed him some oral medication. But mommy was still perplexed over the fact that David was feeling nauseous, and he did had some vomiting. Nonetheless, and thankful to JESUS CHRIST, David recovered within the day. 

Two days later on 11 Sep 2013, Deborah complained of nauseous after waking from her afternoon nap. She vomited twice after having given her oral medication and she developed mild diarrhoea. Since oral medication was not working, we brought her to TMC at 10pm. 

The doctor confirmed that Deborah had taken something unclean, hence the stomach / gastric flu. Deborah was given an anal depository at the clinic. 

On the way home, mommy recalled the doctor's diagnosis, and then finally realised what had caused this bout of food poisoning. Mommy and Daddy were both careless!! When we ate raw oysters and salmon, we used the same fork to pass on other food to Deborah and David. This was when the food contamination took place. Huh! 

What a painful lesson we learnt as a family this week. This lesson caused us slightly over $200.00 in medical bills, including hospital parking fees.  We are thankful to God for His hand of mercy and grace over Deborah and David, and His faithful, sustaining love over us.

And what a way to welcome and celebrate my 35th year of life. Blessed birthday to me.

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