Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A note on Marriage

I came across this photo quote recently and it sums it all up about what our attitude must be in marriage  -  when we face a problem, fix it not throw it away. This is perhaps how we can D-proof (Divorce-proof) one's marriage.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mummy is 35

Today, we were supposed to celebrate Mommy's birthday -- staycation at Hotel Michael, Resorts World Sentosa. But as the two kiddos are still recovering from the stomach flu, and at 5.00 am today, David had complained of a bad tummy ache, we decided it was better to postpone it....... Yes, after much, much consideration. 

The day started a little slow and gloomy for us... But thank God, Plan B turned out well too.

Mommy found a movie currently showing at GV cinemas titled "Disney's Planes". The review given was "inspiring for children" so just one hour before the show commenced, we decided to get our buttocks up and catch the movie at Tampines Mall.

"Disney's Planes" is an action-packed 3D animated comedy adventure featuring Dusty, a plane with dreams of competing as a high-flying air racer. But Dusty's not exactly built for racing, and he happens to be afraid of heights. So he turns to a seasoned naval aviator, who helps Dusty qualify to take on the defending champ of the race circuit. Dusty's courage is put to the ultimate test as he aims   to reach heights he never dreamed possible, giving a spellbound world the inspiration to soar.

Perhaps, the kiddos are too young to grasp the entire plot. But we talked to them and did a movie review after the show and this was what they understood:

1. Dusty dare to dream big.
2. Dusty did his best to win.
3. Dusty had good friends who shared and cared and that helped him win. 

It is indeed an inspiring movie and worth watching with the kids this holiday.

Even daddy, who posted "yawn" on Facebook before the movie started (because he thought it would be a boring cartoon movie) changed his comment and showed mommy a thumbs-up when the show ended. Haha! 

And so, my wish for this hatch-day is a rather simple - for Deborah and David to recover completely fast. Thank You, Jesus. 

Before the day ended, Daddy brought mommy for a late night dinner. We dined at Brewbaker's Kitchen and Bar at Seng Kang Sports Hall, and were the last customer for the day. So we received tip top service and food was served really fast, plus a complimentary slice of yummy chocolate cake for the birthday girl.

A painful lesson learnt

Last Sun, our family were treated to a sumptuous buffet spread at Marriott Hotel. In our blissfulness, mommy and daddy overlooked an important meal etiquette that caused our two lovely kiddos to come down with mild food poisoning.

The day after, on Monday morning at 6am, David woke mommy up as he complained of a stomachache. After 30 minutes of trying stomach massage using Ju Wee oil, he still felt uncomfortable. And even complained he was nauseous and vomited a little. Thinking it could be constipation, we headed down to Thomson Medical Centre's 24-hr Family Clinic, as it had already happened to David twice in the last one year. The doctor said that David was slightly constipated and had a bloated stomach and prescribed him some oral medication. But mommy was still perplexed over the fact that David was feeling nauseous, and he did had some vomiting. Nonetheless, and thankful to JESUS CHRIST, David recovered within the day. 

Two days later on 11 Sep 2013, Deborah complained of nauseous after waking from her afternoon nap. She vomited twice after having given her oral medication and she developed mild diarrhoea. Since oral medication was not working, we brought her to TMC at 10pm. 

The doctor confirmed that Deborah had taken something unclean, hence the stomach / gastric flu. Deborah was given an anal depository at the clinic. 

On the way home, mommy recalled the doctor's diagnosis, and then finally realised what had caused this bout of food poisoning. Mommy and Daddy were both careless!! When we ate raw oysters and salmon, we used the same fork to pass on other food to Deborah and David. This was when the food contamination took place. Huh! 

What a painful lesson we learnt as a family this week. This lesson caused us slightly over $200.00 in medical bills, including hospital parking fees.  We are thankful to God for His hand of mercy and grace over Deborah and David, and His faithful, sustaining love over us.

And what a way to welcome and celebrate my 35th year of life. Blessed birthday to me.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

School Term 3 (Year 2013)

We are coming to the close of Term 3/2013. Yes, school term break will start tomorrow. Hooray!

David has received his Term 3 portfolios and activity books. It is always interesting to read what our kids had been doing in school during the last 10 weeks.  I am always impressed by the teachers of BBTK (Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Kindergarten) for the efforts they put in to take photographs of the activities our children were involved in at school.

In this term, the school focused on the theme, "Food and Fruits".  The children have been reciting and singing songs and nursery rhymes about foods and fruits. One of David's favourite is the "Watermelon song" (sung to the tune of "Are you sleeping, Are you sleeping?"),

"Watermelon, watermelon,
thump, thump, thump (2x)
I think you are ready, I think you are ready
Big and round, big and round".

Here are some songs and rhymes the kids have learnt this term:

In July, one of Deborah's homework was to identify healthy and unhealthy foods through cut-and-paste pictures from magazines.

Another week, both Deborah and David came home with a booklet that encouraged the children to paste sticker when they drank a glass of plain water. It was a promotion exercise by Health Promotion Board to encourage young children to drink more plain water instead of soft drinks.

On 15 August 2013, Deborah and her K2 classmates had an excursion to PastaMania @ Seng Kang Sports Hall to learn pizza-making.  We were looking forward to tasting the pizza she made and were so disappointed when she told us they had finished the pizzas for lunch.  Nonetheless, we are happy that she thoroughly enjoyed herself (although she had car-sick on the way back to school on the coach).  It was thrilling to see Deborah showing off her Certificate of Participation. Kudos to BBTK, once again.

11 days later, Mommy joined David and his classmates for the
school's first-ever field walk to Sheng Siong supermarket on 26 August 2013.

The children were given a worksheet with a list of fruits / juices. Their task was to look for the actual fruits / juices in the supermarket and then cross it out on the worksheet.

David was kind of surprise to see a yellow flesh cut-watermelon in the supermarket for the first time. It then dawned on me that I had not showed him one before.

Today, the school is celebrating Teachers' day before the week long school holiday commences. What we can look forward in Term 4 is our sweetie princess will be graduating soon, and in 3 months time, she will be entering Primary One at mommy's alma mater - Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' Primary School.

The remaining months of Year 2013 is going to be very exciting for our family. So stay tune.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Precious Memories

A picture tells a thousand words. And photos makes memories fonder.
Here are some photos our family has taken together and they certainly bring back good ol' memories.

Chalet @ Pasir Ris (May 2013)
Celebrating Daddy's 39th birthday at Tung Lok Signature, Changi City Point (Jan 2013)

 Deborah's 5th birthday celebration @ Roland Seafood Restaurant (Aug 2012)

Outside Universal Studios Singapore on 18 Dec 2012

Deborah's Nursery School Project on food (2011)

Holiday in Hong Kong (Dec 2011)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The best legacy for the next generation

Parents like to think about what they can leave for their children when they pass on. Some leave their houses, wealth, jewellery, etc.

My mother-in-law tells us from time to time that what she is going to leave for us are the pots and woks she has bought for my kitchen, and the bowls and plates she has accumulated over the last many years. On top of these, she has a old-fashioned sewing machine that she will never throw away.

For me, besides the house I live, the other most valuable thing I can pass on to my kids is the piano I bought for $6,800/- (excluding bank interest) in my early twenties.

The Bible reminds us that the best thing to pass on to our next generation is the Word of God:

"Place these words on your hearts. Get them deep inside you. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder. Teach them to your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning until you fall into bed at night. Inscribe them on the doorposts and gates of your cities so that you’ll live a long time, and your children with you, on the soil that God promised to give your ancestors for as long as there is a sky over the Earth." (Deuteronomy 11:18-21, The Message)

The promises here include long life for the parents, our children's safety and safe dwelling in our homes forever. What else more can we ask for? God is good, all the time!

But before parents can pass it on to their children, parents must have the Word of God in their own hearts. And it must be deeply rooted, not knowing superficially. It has to be ever ready in our hearts, a life of faith living. 

Recently, Deborah and David imitated the way we did our devotions. It reminded me that they caught the example which was set for them to SEE. Before our children can learn to read the Bible regularly, parents have to read it regularly. 

This reminded me of the saying that, "examples are better caught than taught". Indeed, Teaching has its value only when it is more than words.

May this encourage me, and many parents and parents-to-be, to invest more time in the Holy Bible and be doers of the Word..so that we may pass on the only thing on this earth that will truly stand the test of time. 

                  “All people are like grass,
                       and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;
                   the grass withers and the flowers fall,
                       but the word of the Lord endures forever..." (1 Peter 1:24-25)