Thursday, March 26, 2015

March Holidays (Part 3) - Bento Set Making @ Big Fun Kitchen (18 Mar 2015)

Through a friend's recommendation, I signed up Deborah and David for the Bento Set Making at Big Fun Kitchen on 18 March 2015 from 10am to 12 noon, together with a friend, Xi Wen.
I chose not to attend the class with the kids since they are already quite independent. Moreover, they had a friend Xi Wen with them. So, I had time to catch up with my dearest friend, San San (Xi Wen's mommy).
After class, I understood from D&D that they did cutting of the sausages, rolling the rice balls, arranging it together with the vegetables (broccoli and carrots) in their bento boxes. The rice balls were made into kitty cats using nori for the eyes, whiskers and mouth. I didn't get to see their finished product because by the time I came to fetch them, David had everything in his stomach already, while Deborah was left with the broccoli and rice balls.
The children also get to bring back the bento boxes. And I had a  pleasant surprise when the culinary school actually uploaded the photos taken during class time on Facebook, and informed us via email.
The fees was $25 per child and $55 for 1 Adult and 1 child.
For upcoming classes and more information, you may visit their website:
The school is also convenient located opposite People's Park Centre and the nearest MRT station is Chinatown. The school will also send you information on how to get there by the various mode of transport via email when your booking is confirmed.


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