Thursday, March 26, 2015

Deborah's Ballet - Grade 1

Deborah has been training hard with her friends for the Grade 1 RAD exams this year. Deborah is scheduled to take the test on 16 April 2015 at the Kampong Kembangan Community Centre.
An open house was held last Monday at Changi-Simei Community Club and parents were allowed to see their dances.

The "Transfer of Weight" dance.

Preparing for "The Walks"

Preparing for the "Step-Hop & Parallel Assembly".

March Holidays (Part 6) - S.E.A Aquarium / Trick Eye Museum (21 March 2015)

On 21 March 2015, we joined our Church for the Annual Anniversary outing to Sentosa. In particular, to S.E.A Aquarium and the Trick Eye Museum. It was our family's second time to the aquarium, but this time, we went with our Church family. We also invited the kids grandmothers to join us, and their bestie cousin, Gabrielle.

At the aquarium entrance. The children are standing in front of the shark pool where it houses the lemon sharks, hammerhead sharks, great white sharks, and other breeds of sharks. 

The ever-mesmerizing jellyfishes

The giant flower crab. (This shot was taken by David.)

We also managed to get to the Touch Pool this time and both Deborah and David were excited about touching the star fish.

On our way to the Trick Eye Museum, we were lured by our eyes to the Mega Bounce, located just outside the S.E.A. Aquarium.
It was $10 per child for a 5-minute bounce. Since there was no queue, we asked if the children would like give it a try. Would the kiddos ever say 'no' to fun? Of course NOT... hee hee.


Then off we went to the Trick Eye Museum. We were at the one in Penang, but our first in Singapore. The queue into the museum was long as it was Saturday. We waited almost about 40 minutes before we could enter. So while daddy joined the queue, mommy passed the time by bringing the kiddos around for photo-taking.

Finally, we got into the Museum...


What's for dinner tonight? 

See where I found my head...






We ended the day with a Peranakan Buffet Dinner at Grand Mecure Hotel (opposite Parkway Parade). Thank God, the day went on smooth and every one had an enjoyable time.