Thursday, November 7, 2013

Excursion to Singapore Botanic Gardens

On 1 November 2013, Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Kindergarten ("BBTK") organised a final outing for the K2 children to Singapore Botanical Gardens. It is the first time Deborah was going to be there.
Three days before this outing, Deborah drew a picture of what the Botanical Garden looked like in her mind.

Picture taken on the coach before setting off.
Photo taken at the entrance of Botanical Gardens.
I wondered why they put the courtesy lion mascot here. Perhaps, to remind us to be courteous when using the park?
 Thank God for the wonderful weather. It was fair and cool!
We could not have asked for more.
 We walked through the rainforest trail, and discovered a tall tree with intertwined branches all the way up above our heads.

 It caught the children's attention when they realised the intertwined branches were flexible and one after another, they started swinging the branches for fun.
 The tree behind Deborah is a kind of fig tree from Africa. Notice the figs are growing out from the trunk instead of its branches.
Deborah taking a shot with her classmate, Renee Teo.
Deborah taking pictures with some interesting plants and flowers.
 And then, she was getting a little tired of mommy asking her to take pictures... Hence, the 'sianz' (expressionless) face... hee hee.
After having our morning snacks and walking through the thick lush greenery, it was so refreshing to walk into another part of the Botanical garden that looked like an "autumn" garden. The sun was shining and the yellow leaves were reflecting the sun's rays.
It was a very beautiful sight indeed. 
While we were there, a Caucasian couple was holding a private wedding solemnization at the hut behind us.
We finally found a spot where the children could play and run about.
The fun became more exhilarating for the children when the school principal, Mrs Seah joined in and had a good run with them.
Looking at their cheerful and smiley faces, isn't it obvious the children enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
Before we left...
 Photo of Class Joy 1 of Year 2013 (K2, AM session) with Mdm Tay, Mdm Teo, Mdm Soon and Mrs Grace Seah.

 Photo of Class Joy 1 of Year 2013 (K2, AM session) with the parents.

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