Thursday, August 28, 2014

Zhi Yun's Birthday Party (24 Aug 2014)

Deborah's classmate cum partner, Zhi Yun, invited us for her 7th birthday party at The Minton Condominium on 24 Aug 2014.
There was a magic show lined up and from the smiles on Deborah's face below, yes, you guessed it... she enjoyed her so, so much. I think she laughed the loudest throughout the show. As usual, she is always so bright and cheery when there is loads of fun. What's more, this was her closest classmate's party... she was really so happy to be there.

Deborah standing with the birthday girl through out the cake-cutting...erm... cos she wanted to blow out the candles and perhaps, steal some of the limelight...I guess. Haha..

And look who is happy too...

...but he cried when a boy pushed him and his cake fell onto the floor later on.
And here's Deborah with her best pal & birthday girl, Zhi Yun.

Cavalia (23 Aug 2014)


Last weekend, we brought Deborah and David, together with their cousin, Gabrielle, to watch Cavalia. The white tall tentage makes it difficult to miss once you arrive at Bayfront Ave, which is situated right beside Marina Bay Sands.


It was the kiddos' first cirque performance and of course, we were all very eager and excited. The kids enjoyed the show thoroughly, especially David. He was clapping so enthusiastically every time the horses came on stage. And yes, I was really impressed by the stallions that were obviously well-bred. The silky fur and sturdiness of the stallions were indeed impressive. And I haven't talked about the stunts performed by the trainers with the stallions. Those were simply WOW!

We were not allowed to take any photographs or videos during the show... so this was the only photo I managed to steal a shot. This was the finale where half the stage was filled with water, and the horses and their trainers performed their daring stunts.
The digital multimedia background that screened breath-taking scenes were projected by 16-18 digital projectors, and it was picture-perfect. A live band (hidden behind the screens) was also among the things that made the entire show spectacular. We did not even realise the music during the entire show was played by the live band until it was nearing the end of the show, when the background was dimmed and the spot lights were turned towards them.
It was worth the money we paid. Even daddy commented that this was one of the best acrobat shows he has watched. We paid for seats that cost $98 per person. But we realised the seating capacity is actually limited, so it is alright to pay for the lowest range ticket and still get a good view. Just avoid those seats that are partially blocked by the pillars.
For drivers, you may wish to know that we parked at the open space carpark just beside the tentage. Just be there early (at least 30 minutes before the show) so you don't have to queue to get into the carpark.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sweetie is 7

Deborah is 7 years old on 18 Aug 2014.
She celebrated her birthday with her friends in Hosanna Kids.
The Frozen dress that she simply adores and couldn't wait to put it on....

Her lovely Sunday School teacher, sister Pearline prepared a birthday celebration. The girls beside Deborah are new friends from Empart (Elder Stephane's daughters).

We had a simple birthday celebration at home on Sunday, 17 Aug 2014 with our extended families. We ordered dishes from the Zi Char stall along Joo Chiat Road - fried rice, mee goring, coffee pork ribs, mummy's chicken, yam ring, stir-fry kai lan which costs us $132 in total. Much more economical compared to catering a mini buffet which would have cost us at least another $150 more.
The highlight was the beautiful Rainbow cake which I ordered online from Room For Dessert (website: for $120.00, plus a $15 delivery charge. The cheese coating on the outside makes the cake taste very sweet. But I have to say, the bright rainbow colours made up for it. We could also taste some difference in taste for different coloured layers. There was a very light lemon taste too.

The final celebration was held in school with her classmates, together with Ezanne and Bernice on 20 Aug 2014. The children had bee hoon, fishballs, fried wan tons and Ribena before the cake cutting.

The rainbow doll cake was the best deal I got for all the birthday celebrations. It was an offer from Groupon by iCake Creative. The cake weighs 2 kg and costs me just $83.90, including delivery.
Best of all, it was a rainbow cake. Just look at the many layers of colours it has.
And it was the most delicious cake! The sweetness was just right.


Deborah was really happy celebrating her birthday with her classmates.