Friday, June 25, 2010

Deborah's latest H & W

Deborah will be 3 years old in 2 months time. At present, she weighs 17 kg and is exactly 1 metre tall. We took these measurements at the paed's clinic today.

According to the measuring tape, 1 metre tall is for children aged 4 years old. It should not surprise us that she is going to be a really tall and beautiful girl. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

David crossing a milestone

At 14 months, David has started to walk. This is definitely one of the first proudest moments for any parents. And it is surely one of our proudest moments too.

David is quite a confident boy. Perhaps this is a "boy" thing -- He seems to take challenges at his stride and is quite brave.

The past two weeks has been interesting, as our family enjoy every moment of watching David learn to walk. From just a few steps across the sofas, to half the living area... and now, he is able to walk from the living room into the master bedroom.

It is simply amazing to see a child start walking by himself. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he or she is the first child in the family. The feeling of watching any child take the step of independence is indeed fulfilling. All the hardships, fatigue of parenting vanishes when you cheer them on to come towards you step by step with their hands stretched out to find the balance.

It is also a great relieve for the caregivers when the child starts walking. The little one is now too busy going to every corner of the house to explore every thing he finds interesting, hence the adults will not have to carry him as often as before.

For now, we are anticipating what is going to happen in the coming months. All of us will be carefully watching David wherever he goes because the next milestone is 'climbing'. We, the adults will have lots of catching up to do.

Monday, June 21, 2010

One month celebration of Sophie Tan

19 Jun 2010 - our family attended a dinner invitation to Sophie Tan's one month celebration at Roland Restuarant in Marine Parade. Sophie is mommy's (maternal) 3rd uncle's first grand child.

We had the pleasure of sharing the table with mommy's auntie's two nephews. They were in their early adulthood. One of them, Jamie shared that he is 23 years old and a Christian but not attending Church at the moment. He saw our family and shared that he could feel that we are a very blessed family. He also expressed his wish to have a family like ours -- with a daughter first.

Daddy encouraged Jamie to honor God and to return to his Church.

It's our prayers for Jamie that he will return to his Church to worship and serve God as his life's priority.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A father's day lunch

Our family celebrated Fathers' day early this year. We enjoyed a lunch buffet at Mandarin Orchard Singapore on 17 Jun 2010.

The food was average. We were told it was an international buffet, but we thought the varieties were rather limited.

We chose this venue cos it was a 1-for-1 promotion for DBS card members. When we called for the bill, the waitress dropped a bomb on us to say that kids between 2 to 4 years old was chargeable and the restaurant introduced the toddlers' cost 2 months ago. They were going to charge $17++ for Deborah, who ate only 2 pcs of biscuits, less than 2 slices of duck meat, half bowl of cream of chicken and a scoop of chocoloate ice-cream which was left unfinished. We were definitely not prepared to pay the cost. In the end, the restuarant manager waived the cost when we insisted that the person I spoke to from the Reservations dept was aware of my kids' age when I made the reservation and yet she did not make known the cost to me earlier.

Before we left, the table next to us received the same surprise. And they had 3 toddlers with them. I wondered whether they paid the cost.

Anyway, I'm glad we left the restuarant happy. Thank God for the restuarant manager.